Press Sample : Product given by the Company for testing and reviewing purposes. Last month I reviewed the jewelry sub box Cate & Chloe. If you want in depth details on Cate & Chloe please click here on that post to get the deets and prices:) I was honored to be asked again to review their September …

I love listening to Christian music, the difference is that it's like listening to a love song to God or God expressing one for us through the lyrics on that particular song. I'd rather hear a track that will uplift my spirit than hear a break up song, or one with sexually contained lyrics. I want to feel…

Press Sample : Product given by the Company for Testing and Review Purposes This Vogue of Eden white Panda T-shirt is adorable. I matched it up with some red shorts and the outfit looked really cute but it can also be worn with leggings, jeans and some cool fashion accessories. I like that the top i…

Press Sample : Product given by the Company for Testing and Review Purposes I have to say this dress from Sixkiss is beautiful but it is very sheer. It has a mid thigh black slip but the legs are exposed when the light hits so when I wore it out I used black Capri leggings to solve the issue, for other w…

Press Sample : Product given by the Company for Testing and Review Purposes at a Discounted Price This is such beautiful and classy one shoulder jumper from AChicGirl. The polyester material is soft and very comfortable and it has 2 side pockets. The jumper I ordered was in size Large because my measurem…

I love sharing inspirational posts on my blog, yes it's mainly for Beauty and Fashion but it's also for Lifestyle. And in my lifestyle, I am a Christian Woman full of Faith, Love and Hope who loves to share it with whom ever needs it being through words of encouragement, my songs, my sermons and my blog …