Press Sample : Product given by the Company for Testing and Review Purposes at a Discounted Price This is such beautiful and classy one shoulder jumper from AChicGirl. The polyester material is soft and very comfortable and it has 2 side pockets. The jumper I ordered was in size Large because my measurem…

I love sharing inspirational posts on my blog, yes it's mainly for Beauty and Fashion but it's also for Lifestyle. And in my lifestyle, I am a Christian Woman full of Faith, Love and Hope who loves to share it with whom ever needs it being through words of encouragement, my songs, my sermons and my blog …

Press Sample : Product given by the Company for Testing and Review Purposes This is such a beautiful bib tribal necklace from Join Me. I thought it was going to be huge on me but when I received it and tried it on, it actually fit perfectly. You can choose to wear it tight or a bit loose. In my mind, I w…

Press Sample : Product given by the Company for testing and reviewing purposes. This is such a beautiful and exquisite piece of jewelry, it comes a cute gift box with a bow and included is a soft tan velvet like pouch for storage. The design of this bib necklace is gorgeous. The gold rings are solid yet ligh…

I recently went on a mini getaway with my family to St. Augustine Beach which was all paid for by my husband's colleagues company. The getaway was like a meet and greet and go fishing while the wives and children stayed in town. Well, I was able to go to the pool with the kids and then eat a fabulous restaura…

Press Sample : Product given by the Company for testing and reviewing purposes. These ladies sunglasses from Catania Occhiali are big, funky and fashionable. They are not my typical style to wear but they do look super cool when on. The sunglasses are black almost wayfarer in shape with detailed legs and wit…