Spring is definitely in the air and Mother’s Day is around the corner so it will be here before you know it. I have been pondering on what to gift my Mother and if you have been like me trying to figure out what to get her, this site called My Gift Stop can be a step closer on where to find that special something…

I really like going to Family Christian Stores because they have a great selection of music, books, t-shirts, jewelry, home decor and a cute section for the kiddies like Veggie Tales and more. Sales are my thing, why pay more when you can pay less right? Well, it so happens they are having a huge sale Buy 1 ge…
Today is the day you get to enter to win this beautiful Fricaine Dutchess handbag worth $138.00. Are you ready? Read below on how to enter and remember subscribe to this blog for more fun posts and giveaways. xoxo The Color Wheel Gallery The Fricaine Duchess Shoulder Bag Giveaway #Fricaine Deliciously …

Hi to all my lovely readers and subscribers of The Color Wheel Gallery! I share a huge announcement! Tomorrow , you will have the chance to enter a huge giveaway for a Fricaine Handbag worth $138.00. That's right a group of fantastic bloggers including your truly and hosted by the darling Deliciously Savvy will gi…