Blessings my Lovely Readers,
If you love the God’s Not Dead Franchise then you’re going to enjoy the newest film God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust.
This movie really opens our eyes as Christians to go vote and to vote for the candidate that stands on biblical principles.
Synopsis: Amid political and spiritual turmoil, Reverend David Hill steps up to run for
Congress after an incumbent's sudden death. Battling against Peter Kane, who aims
to erase religion from policy, David's fight becomes a beacon of hope and optimism
for people seeking moral leadership in a divided world.
The film stars David A. R. White (GOD’S NOT DEAD, Evening Shade), Isaiah Washing-
ton (Grey’s Anatomy) Dean Cain (Lois & Clark), Samaire Armstrong, (The O.C.), Ray
Wise (ROBO COP), Scott Baio (Happy Days), Charlene Tilton (Dallas), with guest ap-
pearances by Governor Mike Huckabee and Newsboys.
See Trailer:
Get tickets today to see God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust in theaters starting September 12th!

Many thanks to Pinnacle Peak Pictures for providing a sample of the product for this review.
Opinions are 100% my own.
#InGodWeTrustMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork