Today’s post is about my adventure on my first trip to Spain 🇪🇸 with the hubby.
He studied in Europe and visited Spain 26 years ago so this was my time to step foot in another country in Europe.
Since we speak Spanish, it was very comfortable to fit in with the locals.
Our experience getting to our first destination in Spain was a bit busy, hectic and tiring which included 2 planes and two trains.
We spent 3 days in the beautiful picturesque city of Cadiz.
The people are very friendly when you interact with them which made it easy for us but most rarely smiled when you would walk by
Our hotel was fabulous! We stayed in a JR Suite at the Parador Hotel and the amenities provided and views were jaw dropping.
Our room number was 632 and the stay included a buffet for breakfast.
Oh, yes we endulged in the suite’s mini bar but since there were no prices attached to the items we assumed they were free. LOL thankfully those dark covered chocolate peanuts were worth it.
I definitely would put a sign up because at $3.75, hmm 🧐 well you know. 🤣
Another thing I noticed, was that we were there during Carnival Season so it was busy and plenty of drinking and smoking even around children that I could do without. It was actually very unpleasant, hopefully this can change in the future.
My Dear Readers, because there are so many pictures I decided to share them on my instagram posts. Feel free to see them and follow the rest of my Spanish Adventures.💃🪭
Cadiz Spain
Airport from USA to Madrid Hub