In The Shift, a dystopian drama and sci-fi thriller, one man is faced with infinite worlds and impossible choices. When Kevin Garner meets a nefarious adversary known as The Benefactor and refuses his offer of wealth and power, he must escape an alternate totalitarian reality. With survival on the line, Kevin fights to make it back to the world he knows and the woman he loves.My Thoughts:
I was totally immersed in this movie and mature audiences are going to enjoy it and understand the true faith based message it’s trying to convey.
The actors in the film are phenomenal as well and really bring you into the story line.
Sean Astin (The Goonies, Rudy, The Lord of the Rings), Neal McDonough (Band of Brothers), and Elizabeth Tabish (The Chosen), Kristoffer Polaha ( A Biltmore Christmas) and many more are featured in this epic film.
This fantastic thriller comes out in theaters December 1 and you get the tickets here:
You can help pay for other people's tickets to come to the film at
Or if you can’t afford a ticket, Angel Studios will bless you with one for a limited time by clicking the same link above.
The movie is a must see! So don’t miss it.
Many thanks to Angel Studios for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.
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