Synopsis: In The Shift, a dystopian drama and sci-fi thriller, one man is faced with infinite worlds and impossible choices. When Kevin Garner meets a nefarious adversary known as The Benefactor and refuses his offer of wealth and power, he must escape an alternate totalitarian reality. With survival on the line, Kevi…
Showing posts from November, 2023
Synopsis In My Christmas Hero, US Army reservist and orthopedic physician, Nicole Ramsey (Bure) is dedicated to serving military service members and their families at the Joint Military Base in Lacey, Washington, home of I Corps and the 62nd Airlift Wing. This Christmas, with the help of many dedicated heroes, Dr. Ram…
May you and your loved ones have a Happy, Blessed and Joyous Thanksgiving 💕🍁 Remember, to give thanks everyday to the Lord with a grateful heart ❤️ For He alone is worthy ! He alone is good and faithful and greatly to be praised. For he alone loved you enough to die for you , so that you too can have eternal life 😭…
Synopsis: Caro Drake, a brilliant but emotionally guarded American student, arrives at the University of Oxford with the goal of attaining her PhD. Through a turbulent friendship with a charming young man, she begins to open herself up to mystery vulnerability, and love. My Thoughts: “Surprised by Oxford” is a beau…
Synopsis: A young woman carrying an unimaginable responsibility. A young man torn between love and honor. A jealous king who will stop at nothing to keep his crown. This live-action Christmas musical adventure for the entire family weaves classic Christmas melodies with humor, faith, and new pop songs in a retelling o…