The Old Testament handbook from Andy McLean and the B H Publishing Group is such a useful and fun book to have in your study Bible collection.
This durable elegant linen covered handbook is filled with colorful pages with maps, over 75 in depth word studies, illustrations, key figures, key verses, charts and other themes related to every book of the Old Testament and more.
This collective book using the CSB (Christian Standard Bible)translation is not only easy to understand but also very helpful for Bible study at home or in a group, for Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists or for theology courses or simply for anyone who wants to dive deeper into the books of the Old Testament.
Here are some examples of what inside this wonderful handbook:
The Old Testament Handbook is intended to enhance your reading and understanding of the beauty found within the pages of the Old Testament and ultimately point you to "God's glory in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Cor 4:6)
-Andy McLean
You can get your copy here:
I'm also excited to see that The New Testament version Handbook will be releasing in Spring 2024!
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