How old are you?
Are you married?
Do you have children and how many ?
No children
How did you come to know Christ, what age and What made you decide to surrender your life to Him?
I was 10 years old when I went to the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, FL. It was August of 1995 and my family stood outside in the sweltering hot Florida sun for 8 hours to go to the evening service. I don’t remember a whole lot about the service but I do remember things being very different. I grew up in the Spanish Baptist church and what was happening at the revival was not my norm but for some reason I didn’t feel scared. It actually felt normal like this is the way church should be. People were hungry for the presence of Jesus. Singing, lifting their hands, weeping, laughing, dancing, and getting healed. Towards the end of the service, the pastor made an altar call and there was girl that went up to sing. Her name was Charity. She was about 14 years old and she sang a song that marked me that I still sing to this very day. "The Mercy Seat" by Vickie Yohe.
At the time, I didn’t know that my parent's “yes’ to the Lord, taking me to that revival, would mark me for the rest of my life. Throughout the years, I went to church just going through motions on Sunday then the rest of the week was just “regular”. It even got to a point where I wanted to walk away from the church because I was questioning if God was even real.
Then, in 2013, I went to Bethel School of Worship in Redding, California. That’s where the Lord would capture my heart and shake up my world. He showed me the Father’s heart and what his heart was for me. Over the next few years, going back and forth from FL to CA and TN, I still hadn’t given him my full yes. I had somewhat of a relationship with him where he spoke to me from time to time and I knew I could never walk away but I still couldn’t let go of the things I needed to let go of to receive the fullness of who he is and what he wanted for my life.
Fast forward to February of this year (2023), I would have a falling out with my best friend of almost 10 years. You think you know people until they make a choice that ends up hurting them more than helping them and you start to see them go in a way that you know could be destructive. I felt betrayal. It came to the point where I didn’t know what else to do, so I got on my knees and cried out to the Lord. My heart and life would be forever changed from that point on.
The acceleration the Lord has done over the last 3 months has been nothing short of amazing and wild. The Lord led me to lay down that friendship and it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I have never felt more at peace and have never felt so much joy in my life. I decided to give Jesus my full YES! No holding back. I don’t care what it looks like or what it sounds like because it’s his opinion, his voice that matters most.
What would you like to say to others that have not yet surrendered to God?
God comes first and nothing else. His way is perfect and he knows better than we do so why not just trust him fully? We see and hear about the amazing miracles and healings that he does and we shout “Amen” in church about it but deep down we don’t believe it could happen for us. Why don’t we believe? We share with others how amazing God is but then don’t believe it for ourselves. I started saying, “Lord, I believe you!”, everyday till it does the 18 inch journey from my head to my heart. If he said it, he’s going to do it. Believe him. He cares about every single little detail of your life big or small, he cares. The level or degree of your “yes” is what you’ll get out of your relationship with him. Stop procrastinating and just give him your full “Yes”.
He’s ready for you! Give him all you got! I promise it’s worth it.
What is your favorite verse that has impacted your life ?
Matthew 6:25-34 is what he keeps reminding me of in this season where he has me hidden.
How is your life now after becoming a daughter of the King?
My life is his and his alone.
Dear Jesus, I believe you died for me and rose for me on the third day, please forgive my sins. I ask you to come into my heart, into my life and become the Lord of my life. Teach me how to walk in your ways and how to love and serve you. Thank you Jesus, Amen
If you said this prayer, Congrats and welcome to the Family!
Heres, a cool site to help you on your new Journey with the Lord.