What is your full name? Deidra Faye Moreno
How old are you? 34
Are you married? NO
Do you have children and how many ? 0
What was your life before Christ?
My relationship with Jesus was strained At 21. I began to drink, go out and I fell deeper and deeper into sin by Partying, being sexually immoral. I was lost and unhappy for sure. I suffered from depression and anxiety that led to panic attacks. There’s so much more but in a nutshell, I was seeking something/ someone that the world could not satisfy and the harder I tried to find it outside of him the worse it got.
How did you come to know Christ, what age and What made you decide to surrender your life to Him?
I knew him, I grew up in church. I remember going to Sunday school as young as 3 but mainly between 7 - 21yrs old. At 33, I decided to have a relationship with him. He had been calling me for a few years and I just didn’t realize it. The spring of 2021 and then again in the summer of 2022, I unexpectedly lost 2 jobs and knew that God was trying to get my attention.
About 3 years prior to getting into relationship with Jesus, I had decided I needed to make a change. This was brought on by an emotionally abusive relationship and it took a lot from me and the tough pill to swallow was that I allowed it and I had to answer the question, “why?”.
That caused me to look inward and it began the healing process and it also began my journey into spirituality and witchcraft. When it was presented to me it was subtle and helpful. It eased my pain and showed itself as light and then evolved into me doing tarot and using sage in my house. It was very confusing because I had truth and lies mixed. I knew God and still referred to him as the universe. The crazy part of it all is God allowed this to help me heal. I learned to calm my thoughts, set boundaries and have faith in my gifting of prophecy and deeper faith in God through the manifestation process I learned. Meditation also helped me to hear the lies and sound track of hateful talk, the things I would tell myself like you’re not good enough, they think you’re weird, you cant do XYZ etc., then God showed up in a mighty way.
He will truly meet you where you are but he wont let you stay there. From 30-33 my world turned upside down with break ups, lost jobs, financial difficulty, the loss of identity, who I thought I wanted and needed to be based on society, outside validation and my own traumas and mindsets.
Jesus allowed me to become broken so that he could remold me and make me new again. Summer 2023, I was fired once again and I decided that I needed to make a change.
Again, I realized there was something that I was doing that made me ask the questions, “What am I doing?”, “what choices am I making and why?”. Once I was ready for the answers, a sermon showed up on my YouTube timeline called ‘Cuffed to Constant’ and it broke me. The Holy Spirit entered my apartment and I knew I was never going to be the same again. I went on a walk and felt urged to walk in a different direction than my normal route and stumbled upon Anthem Church. On the side of their building in big bold white letters it read, “YOU BELONG HERE” and I told myself I was going there that Sunday and I did. The rest is history. My life belongs to Jesus and it’s the sweetest, toughest, greatest, easiest relationship I have ever experienced in my life. He found me and now we’re married! lol
How is your life now after becoming a daughter of the King?
It’s been a roller coaster but its been so beautiful. It’s a refining process that takes time. He can change you over night but there are things he needs to gently remove from you. Old habits and mindsets that shaped you but are not for you any longer and that’s not always easy. He has healed me and is still healing me but everyday my life is better and more beautiful and more fulfilling than its ever been before. I have purpose and know unconditional love.
What is your favorite verse that has impacted your life?
Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Galatians 5:18
But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
What would you like to say to others that have not yet surrendered to God?
That being in a relationship with Jesus is so fulfilling and beautiful. For me, I thought life with Jesus would be dull and I would have to miss on so much, that I could enjoy my life and have fun but that is so far from the truth. Jesus literally speaks to me and guides me through my every day and it's just better. I’m not missing out on anything! He will give you the desires of your heart. When you partner with him and align your will with his, OMGOSH! he just pours out his blessings. He only says no or not right now to the things that will hurt you, delay your blessings or cause you or others harm. He’s truly a good father. He has had my back through thick and thin and never gets tired of me, in fact when I'm having a hard time or feeling far from him, he reaches for me, he chases me, he lifts me up. Ugh, he is literally the best. I love him so much! I would say just start by talking to him, that’s it and then let things unfold, don’t try to change let him change you. Its easier that way