Today, I wanted to post a poem I wrote of what I went through that can be of an encouragement for those that are praying and waiting on the Lord for something they have prayed for or going through as well. Continue to trust in the Lord and his promises for your life, his word will not come back void. You are his chosen one, his masterpiece and He will use you for great and mighty things. Abide in Him and He will abide in you.
All Glory and Honor belong to Him! You are blessed.
Hidden For A Purpose
by Marian Marrero
You have faced so many challenges
You have cried so many tears
You were rejected and felt you didn't belong
You were never alone and God calmed your fears
But through it all you remained in the secret place
In intimacy with the King
You didn't understand
The trials, the tears, sickness or disease
But when God showed his mighty power upon your life
You continued to trust Him even more
You desired to operate in the giftings and so much more
You waited and felt as time grew still, circling the dessert with dismay
But little did you know
You were being hidden for a purpose for His glory to be displayed
I am that one and no longer in the cave
I am healed and free
Let God's Glory be displayed