Todays blog post is geared for college students or just lover of books interested on the topics from Beauty to Archeology who need an alternative way of obtaining textbooks without the heavy costs.
I remember when I was in college and had to spend a lot of money on my books or sometimes even take out loans just so that I can afford them.
The site I will be introducing you today can take out the hassle of loans or tremendous amount of money spent for books that some you may never need our use in the future.
The company is called Campus Book Rentals
They have a variety of books to rent! yes Rent! Can you beleve it? Now you can rent almost anything from movies to furniture and now textbooks.
The pricing varies on these books and some are really inexpensive compared to the actual cost of the books purchased in College Bookstores. And even if you are not a student but want to learn on your own pace on a subject, or read interesting books about any subject without buying the book well now you have the option to rent one.
And for us Fashionistas or Beauty Enthusiasts or Aspiring Makeup Artists, Campus Book Rentals has a selection of beauty books too.
Do you see Michelle Phan theYoutube Guru on there? How cool is that? Wow! even my favorite makeup Artist Bobbi Brown , these are just a few of the titles available, there is so much more!
This site has it all:)
Unfortunately, this site was not around for me while I was studying for my bachelors in marketing Communications. But everyone can have this opportunity offered to them now by clicking on to get started.
Some perks are:
-save 40-90% off of bookstore prices
-free shipping both ways
-can highlight in the textbooks
-flexible renting periods
Also the Awesome and Special thing about renting your text books from is a portion of the proceeds gets donated to Operation Smile a charity that helps children that need lip and cleft palette surgery.
Here's an insert from Operation Smile's website:
Every three minutes a child is born with a cleft. A child with a cleft has twice the odds of dying before their first birthday. Children with cleft conditions who survive may have difficulty eating, speaking, hearing or breathing properly. In some places, they are shunned and rejected. And in too many cases, their parents can't afford the surgeries they need to live a productive life.
Every child deserves access to safe, quality surgical care. Every child deserves a future filled with hope.
And just like Operation Smile stated on their site every child does deserve a future filled with hope.
So I encourage you to rent a textbook and give back to Operation Smile by doing so:)
or if you wish to just simply donate to Operation Smile that would be a blessing as well.
Here are ways you can help you can donate here or find other ways to donate by searching their site.
I also would like to invite you to look at another site to get cash back from your old textbooks that are collecting dust under your beds or shelves. lol
You too have the option to rent back those end of the semester heavy and burdensome to carry books to other students , You can go to
Here's a vid to get you thinking about it and get started to earn back cash:)
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